Aleksei Duriagin
Iโ€™m a Web and iOS developer. Maker of Quick Habit.
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Quick Habit 1.2.1: Early marketing and iOS 17.4 Bugfix

As I mentioned in my previous post, my focus was mostly on marketing. Making progress in marketing is challenging for me because my full-time job mostly involves writing code. To improve my marketing skills, I'm learning from other developers on social networks and blogs. Currently, it is the only good source where you can improve your marketing skills.

Roll out slowly

I plan to roll out the app slowly for several reasons. It might sound odd, but I do not want a large user base yet. The app has small bugs and performance issues. Moreover, while the app has core habit-tracking functionality, it lacks features like Notes and Achievements, and it's not yet available across all Apple platforms. Only iOS so far. This limits my marketing options.

Because of all this factors, I deliberately released the app with compatibility starting from iOS 17.4. This aproach gives me some time to improve my marketing and Swift development skills. The app will be improved, have all the important features, and support all the Apple platforms. Later this year, Apple plans to launch iOS 18. They'll encourage most users to update their devices from iOS 16 to iOS 17. This update will bring me many new potential users.

Early marketing

I considered using several marketing channels to attract more users. First idea was creating a page on Indie Hackers After some research I noticed that developers abandoned their accounts. Instead, I decided to write a small post on Reddit. There are at least a few good communities where you can promote your app. I chose /r/iosapps and wrote a post about the app, which led to hundreds of page views and a significant number of new installs. I'm preatty happy with the results.

iOS 17.4 Bugfix

For persistent data storage, I chose the relatively new technology, SwiftData. I like how easy you can write code for data persisting and synchronisation between devices. Accidentally, I made a bug in SwiftData migrations and this bug didn't cause any issues on iOS 17.3. I missed checking it on the iOS 17.4 beta versions, and the bug showed up when iOS 17.4 was released, which was right when I posted about my app. I had to fix it as soon as possible. I think this bug might have stopped some people from using the app. It was a valuable lesson to test apps on all new iOS versions before they come out to avoid these problems.

Quick Habit 1.2: Best Streak and New Languages

This release is not big in terms of new features. There are ton of new ideas and interesting features in the backlog but unfortunately I didn't have much time this week. So, I decided to improve accessibility and add one new interesting motivational feature.

Accessibility and New Languages ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ต ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡น ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ท

I consider accessibility as an important part of UI and making the app accessible is currently one of my top priorities. We do not often think about this, but a lot of people do not speak English. Or simply, users want to use their native language on the OS even though they speak English. This underscores the importance of supporting multiple languages in the app, especially the most popular ones. Integrating and supporting new languages is a straightforward process that significantly enhances usability and expands our user base. Seems like win-win situation.

Best Streak

It's a simple yet powerful feature to keep users motivated. There are two main reasons why this feature is important. First, it serves as a motivational tool to beat your own record. Second, it encourages users to maintain daily activity without breaking their streak. Additionally, I'm hopeful this feature will delight many users, especially since it was highly requested.


What's next

The goal of the next week will be mostly related to marketing. I hope this will boost our user base. The next big feature for me is achievements ๐Ÿ† I will also improve accessibility with a couple of new languages.

Download Quick Habit to try new Best Streak feature and Contact with me on Mastodon for any feedback or suggestions

Quick Habit 1.1: Spanish & Russian languages. Multiple habits widgets

It's been a week since the first release of Quick Habit. In this release, I decided to start localizing the app with a couple of languages to improve accessibility. The first one is Russian since it is my first language and also the easiest way for me to check that everything is translated fine. The second language of course is Spanish. The reason is pretty simple. It's one of the most popular languages in the world.

For translation purposes, I used ChatGPT. Obviously, many of us have already tried it and know what this thing can do with parsing and translating. I just copied the content of a String Catalog, pasted into ChatGPT, and then used the translated result. Russian language wasn't perfect so you have to be careful with this instrument, because it is not always right and can make mistakes. Still, I didn't find any good open-source and ready to use scripts or some kind of instruments to automate this copy-pasting job. It definitely can be an idea for a small open-source project for a weekend. Maybe in the next blog post, I will share something related to this written in Swift or JS.

New features

Multiple habits widgets

This release includes 3 types of new widgets. The first one is a small widget. The widgets can display the first 4 or 8 habits in your app. You can reorder the list of habits on Manage Habits screen. For the first release of these widgets, I decided not to include the settings where you could change the list of habits for every widget separately. This feature is in backlog and will be added in the next releases.

Small widget including 4 habits Medium widget including 4 habits Medium widget including 8 habits

"Something wrong?"

I often see buttons like this one in a lot of indie apps. As other developers say this feature is really useful and effective because users who decided to delete an app will encounter this button first and it will motivate users to write something about what was wrong. The button is easy to integrate into the app, so I promptly added it.

Something wrong?

That is all for this release. Download Quick Habit and Feel free to contact me on Mastodon

Quick Habit: My First Mobile App

Habit Tracker. Track your progress with detailed statistics and motivating streaks. Insights. Detaild reports to understand and improve your habits. Customize your experience. Dark and Light themes. Effortlessly switch between light and dark themes. Widgets

I have long been interested in mobile app development and this year, I decided to achieve this goal by releasing several iOS apps. The first app idea I had was a habit tracker. While there are many similar apps available, my background as a software engineer inspired me to create my own version. I took a lot of inspiration from apps that already exist. For instance, a notable feature is the GitHub-style heatmap, which shows how well you stick to your daily habits. Calendar at the top of the screen is an excellent way to navigate between days. I also came up with a couple of my own ideas, which I'll discuss in more detail below.


The app categorizes habits into two types: Good and Bad, each tracked differently. I'll start with common features before discussing specific ones for each habit type.

Common Features


Heatmap Heatmap

This feature visually shows how consistently you practice a habit. For instance, if you miss one of two daily occurrences, the heatmap indicates your progress without suggesting that you've abandoned the habit, thus helping maintain motivation.

Current Streak

This displays the duration you have successfully maintained a habit, serving as a motivational tool.



This allows you to review past days and track your monthly progress.

Calendar Calendar dark

Visual Representation with Colors and Emojis

Allows for easy categorization and identification of habits using a combination of colors and emojis. This approach, using emojis, simplifies user interaction and offers a visually appealing experience.

Emojis and Colors Emojis and Colors dark


The initial release includes three Home Screen widgets. These widgets serve as a representation of in-app content, though they are not interactive due to current technical limitations on Apple's platform.

Widgets Widgets

Good Habits

Good habits are the ones where you mark each successful day manually. For instance, you have a habit โ€Read booksโ€ and you want to do this every day, you should open the app and check it.

Good habits also have useful feature called Reminders. You can set as many reminders as you want. It will remind you about activities you planned to do.

The repeat feature lets you do a habit on specific days. For example, if you plan to go to the gym three days a week (Monday, Wednsday, and Friday). Streak will be calculated based only on these days.

Bad Habits

A bad habit is when you only note the days you didn't succeed. If you don't meet your goal for the day, as set in the app, it counts as a failed day and your streak starts over. This way, I can measure a streak more precisely, showing even minutes and seconds. Good habits only track the days you succeed.


I do not think it's a good idea to limit features in such app to encourage users to purchase the premium version. The only limitation for the free version is that you can add only 3 habits and a small visual feature, which is changing the app icon to a premium one. I think this approach will help the app stay competitive with other habit trackers.

Premium Icons


There are lots of plans for the app. I wonโ€™t disclose everything, I'll share a sneak peek. I understand the importance of having versions for WatchOS and iPadOS, as they offer more flexibility in using the app in various scenarios. Additionally, having notes with a rich text editor is crucial. Features like creating habits from presets and motivational elements such as quotes, reminders, and widgets are also part of the plan.

Download Quick Habit

P.S. As I mentioned before it is the first production ready iOS app that I've made. Being primarily a web developer, I notice many similarities between web and Apple platforms. I hope this experience will help me improve my skills in Swift and creating user interfaces for Apple platforms.